In the Media
News articles relating to the DMAPS flight path change over the northern suburbs of Wellington will be linked to here. Have questions? - check out our FAQs here.
Media Releases
Plane Sense Wellington Inc. has filed and served legal proceedings against Airways, Aeropath Ltd, Wellington International Airport Ltd and the Director of Civil Aviation. Plus, supporting documentation. Accompanying photo (please credit photographer Phil Greig) and donation graphic. 31 July 2024.
Local Community Votes for Plane Sense to Commence a High Court Judicial Review against Wellington Airport, Airways and the Civil Aviation Authority, over flight path change. Plus, Plane Sense Commentary on Wellington Airport's Media Release. Watch the community meeting here. 14 April 2024.
Published Articles
The Independent Herald, 8 August 2024: Legal Action Started.
The Post, 31 July 2024: Residents file legal challenge against Wellington Airport flight path
The Scoop, 31 July 2024: Plane Sense Files & Serves Legal Proceedings Against Airways, Aeropath, Wellington Airport, Director - Civil Aviation
NZ Herald, 16 May 2024: Wellington Mayor Tory Whanau missed half of airport board meetings in past year. (During this time, the Mayor was aware that Plane Sense was raising issues concerning improper procedure and the impact of the flight path on everyday Wellingtonians.)
The Independent Herald, 18 April 2024: Overwhelming Vote: When it's in court this case will fly
The Post, 14 April 2024: Wellington flight path noise concern prompts legal threat
The Scoop, 14 April 2024: Local Community Votes For Plane Sense To Commence A Judicial Review Against Wellington Airport, Airways & The CAA
The Post, 10 April 2024: 'Chance of new flight path after noise complaints'.
The Independent Herald, 20 July 2023: 'Harmful Plane Noise Continues'.
The Independent Herald, 22 June 2023: 'Flight path needs to be moved'.
The Post, 21 June 2023: Airport Admits Noise Impact Underestimated After Community Backlash. Correction requested: additional noise monitors have not yet been installed in the suburbs. Plane Sense has been negotiating the number of monitors since the initial meeting in March, to ensure each suburb is represented.
The Independent Herald, 18 May 2023: Plane Noise a Major Concern
Stuff NZ, 2 Feb 2023: Wellington Residents Losing Sleep as planes 'roar' overhead on new flight plan
Parliament TV
Special Debate on Local Issues - The issue of zero consultation and the effect of the DMAPS flight path change on residents has been raised as a local issue in the Chamber at Parliament.
8 June 2023
Local MP for Ohāriū - Greg O'Connor
9 April 2024
Local MP for Ohāriū - Greg O'Connor (16:30pm)
Interesting reads
Noise could take years off your life. Here's how - New York Times. "...Every three minutes a jet blazes overhead with an ear-piercing roar. A growing body of research shows that this kind of chronic not just annoying. It is a largely unrecognized health threat that is increasing the risk of hypertension, stroke and heart attacks worldwide.
Noise Pollution: the unseen trigger for violence. "A startling link between noise pollution and increased violence, particularly around airports. The study found that a 4.1-decibel increase in noise pollution led to a 6.6% rise in violent crime."
The effect of aircraft noise on sleep disturbance among the residents near a civilian airport: a cross-sectional study. "Aircraft noise is a major environmental noise problem. This study was conducted in order to investigate the relationship between sleep disturbance and exposure to aircraft noise on the residents who are living near an airport."